Longing for a good cup of English tea in Berlin

For today I shall keep the texts short otherwise I feel I’ll be bombarding you with information! So here are some recordings from Jeffrey Sanders an English teacher from LA. He has recently moved to Berlin with his girlfriend who’s from the UK. They kindly invited me for lunch and we had a great  conversation about cultural traditions that are missed when travelling. With two British people in the room, the conversation inevitably drifted towards tea…

Anyways, after a few cups of not quite English tea and nice homemade pizzas, the sun was begging us to go and record outside. So we set out to find a nice location. When we did, we tried to record but the wind was causing too much of a problem. Thus, we decided to head back to record in the quiet of their appartement. Recordings finished, we set out again for a great afternoon/evening of the Berlin experience – it involved a great outdoor mini festival in an abandoned factory area followed by beer in a cozy little bar that didn’t close at 11pm.

Jeffrey ended up singing a long string of songs for the project like some sort of stream of consciousness expressing itself through music (!?). Unfortunately, many of those were rendered not useable by the wind. So here are the recordings that weren’t ruined by the annoying yet great natural phenomenon that I mentioned in the previous sentence (and in two others in the above text)!


Filed under recordings

3 responses to “Longing for a good cup of English tea in Berlin

  1. Rob

    Mike found some some of your tea in SAE today I think…

    For good tea (and Pizza too) – highly recommend the cafe on Rosenthaler Platz, next/near to the circus hostel. It does great tea (and cake) – if not traditional very good peppermint, Niko. Hopefully it won’t disappoint and you might find some good croissants around there too. The Circus does a fine breakfast for 5euro, open to all too.

    Have you found the ye olde absinthe shop yet?

    (I’m not responsible for that last recommendation)

    In the meantime, here’s to you (milk no sugar) on your tour and in Berlin!

    Very much enjoying the sounds, thank you! 😀

  2. SammyT

    Oh yes, I also could English tea use this embellish one now. You look when look this you paint the Hostel Three Little Pigs one go. Not had to stay you also can use only the Resturant. Simply divine. P:


  3. P.Hippi

    Why don’t you try it in the Pangea Hostel? This shall be quite good and favorable. Also has a beautiful ambiance and one good English tea there.

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